Thursday, September 25, 2008

On Top of His Game

I have to say that one of my favorite actors in the world is Robert DeNiro. He is one of the greatest actors of his time.

I’m saying this because he plays roles in various genres and has done an outstanding job in every genre he has dived into.

You cannot pigeon hole him in one particular niche he does various things very well.

He is brilliant.

I recently watched him in a movie in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

Can you imagine DeNiro playing the creature? Well DeNiro played the creature very well I might add.

I place DeNiro on my list of greatest actors of all time. I’m going to see Righteous Kill tonight. So be on the look out for my critique of the movie.

Let me share flicks that I think he did an outstanding job in.


Analyze This

Analyze That

Meet the Parents

The Score

15 minutes

A Bronx Tale

Good Fellas

Once Upon a Time in America

Men of Honor

Taxi Driver

The Fan

Cape Fear

There are too many to name here but I believe you get the picture. Robert DeNiro, I salute you on your accomplishments as an actor, a producer and a director.

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