Friday, September 4, 2009

Just Another...

Hello Cinemaniacs,

TGIF. The last couple of days here in New York have been amazing. The weather is so enjoyable now. Sunny, breezy, no humidity. Need I say more.

Today I wanted to share a movie that I have been tracking down for a while. A movie I found at Block Buster. I didn't want to rent it. I wanted to own it but they wouldn't sell it to me. Oh well I guess I will find it somewhere else.

Recently I went shopping for new movies to add to my ever growing collection. I racked up on a bunch of new movies. Excitement revving my engine I couldn't wait to get home to view them. When I came to check out Just Another Love Story caught my eye.

Excitement was revving my engine even more now than before because finally this movie I was searching for was right there for the taking. I added it to my collection and was on my way back home.

Just Another Love Story is awesome.

I don't want to give away any information that will spoil the picture for you.

I will tell you this Just Another Love Story draws you into a thick sticky web of circumstances with an array of lies, deceit, cheating, adultery, empathy, secrets, double cross, murder, corruption, twists, turns, a love story and all the things that keep you tied down.

Man this movie was entertaining.

I recall not so long ago hating to watch subtitled films. Now I am a regular fan. I have seen many more recently.

This is a keeper. I might watch it again over the weekend from a screenwriters perspective and not just as a movie carnivore.

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend Cinemaniacs.

Travel safe for those of you who will be traveling and drink responsibly if that is what you do. Be safe, be well, be happy and be blessed.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just Looking

I was just wondering what I was going to write about today on this Throwback Thursday. I usually go back pretty far when I go back. Today I decided to do something completely different.

They say change is good. I had forgotten all about this movie even though I enjoyed watching it. I had the opportunity to see it several months ago and forgot the name.It is a coming of age movie that is really heartfelt. So without further or do here it is.

Just Looking is a coming of age story about a young teenager named Lenny played by Ryan Merriman. Lenny is from the Bronx and the movie takes place in the 1950's.

As a teenager Lenny's hormones are kicking into high gear and he cannot get sex out of his mind. When he is sent off for the summer to visit his aunt and uncle in Brooklyn he meets some new friends and a new adventure to learn more about sex.

This movie is a good look because it has comedy, family, adult situations, and everything that a young teenager is faced with growing up. It is so close to real life as far as looking at it all through the eyes of a young teenage male.

The movie is narrated by Jason Alexander who plays George on Seinfield. The story plot is good, dialog is rich and acting is really good.

I like it so much that I watched it more than once and would probably watch it again if given the chance.

So until next time Cinemaniacs have the best day that you possibly can and enjoy yourself.