Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Favorite Throwback Movies

Welcome Cinemaniacs to another throwback Thursday.

Cooley High
Happens to be one of my favorite movies of all times. If it came out today it would be a critically acclaimed bromance flick. One that deals with the bond of friendship, drama, sex, drugs,coming of age, love and basketball, real world issues and even tragedy.

I love this movie because it captures the very essence of the setting and the experiences of these young men. It also has a very powerful message behind it.

The Life Before This

Is an awesome picture that I had in my movie collection before someone stole it. I had almost forgotten the name until I remembered the name of the actor who starred in it.

Several innocent bystanders are injured or killed when two robbers, fleeing from the police, run into the neighborhood cafe. I can remember the first time i saw this movie I was impressed. I never heard of it before nad many of you may not have either. It is a pretty good piece.

My Bodyguard

My Bodyguard happens to be a movie from the year 1980. It stars Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwin and Matt Dillon. It tells the story of a young man attending a new school. A school where he gets harassed by a bully (Matt Dillon) who will not leave him alone.

This movie is one of my favorite coming of age flicks. Simply because kids get bullied all the time in school. This movie is a fun flick that a lot of people do not know about.

The Outsiders
This movie is my favorite gang picture. It has an all star cast. The movie deals with the story of a Patrick Swayze, Matt Dillon, Emilio Estevez, C. Thomas Howell, Tom Cruise, Ralph Macchio, Rob Lowe and Diane Lane.

Kathleen Rowell wrote the screenplay from a book that was penned by S.E. Hinton. Francis Ford Coppolla directed it and it is amazing movie. I can watch this movie over and over again. Everything about it including the lead song of Stevie Wonder's Stay Gold is awesome.

The characters are well rounded, the story plot of a single older brother struggling to do what it takes to keep his family together and the subplot of the greasers vs. socials brings the whole thing together. What a treat!

I'm going to quit while I am ahead because if I don't I will keep going on. Until next time cinemaniacs. Enjoy your evening.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's Murder

It has been a long time since I did a post on my blogs. Sorry to those of you who look forward to reading what I have to say. I have been busy working up a storm developing some new things that you will soon be seeing in the weeks to come.

Happy Throwback Thursday to you all.

Today I want to talk about two pictures that I really enjoyed.

The first is a movie Murder Inc. that tells the story of the organized crime unit in 1920-1940's. Murder Inc. was comprised of Jewish and Italian gangsters from various gangs throughout the Brownsville, East New York and Ocean Hill section of Brooklyn, NY.

People wonder why the Brownsville, and East New York sections of Brooklyn were so wild and rowdy. Look at its history.

Murder Inc. was an elite hit squad who killed for the mob accepting murder contracts from mob bosses all around the US and they were Louis 'Lepke' Bucholter exclusive kilers.

For all of you mob fans who may not be familiar with the fact that after the formation of the National Crime Syndicate. Two friends of Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel formed the killing squadron of Murder Inc.

This movie tells the story of the notorious Jewish mobster Louis 'Lepke' Bucholter.

I really enjoyed this 1960 work of cinematography. Which also stars Peter Falk as Abe 'Kid Twist' Reles.

A gem of a movie. If you have never seen it check it out. I can watch it again. It's brilliant.