Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hello Cinemaniacs,

It has been a while since I did a new post. I was mourning the death of my aunt June and took a brief hiatus to deal with it and get my mind right.

I want to discuss a picture I watched last night. About a month ago I started out on a quest to find this picture. After visiting the usual suspects, video stores and so fourth I came up empty handed. That is until yesterday afternoon when I walked into Blockbuster Video.

Usually I browse the aisles of the latest flicks that have dropped. Many of them I know about before they drop. It is through this discipline that I find some priceless gems to share with you. I like to take time grabbing movie cases scrolling through their premises to give me inspiration to select worth while movies.

Yesterday's trip to Blockbuster was to find a series that was shown on the Sci-Fi network The Lost Room for my son Arthur. I looked and looked but I didn't find a copy to buy. Eric found a copy but it was disc 1 but I need disc 2. Oh well I guess I have to check someplace else for it.

I began gathering other movies to purchase which I have been waiting to see. That's when it leaped out at me, Powder Blue.

Finally my quest was over. I grabbed it faster than a person would grab free $100 bills in this downsized economy and recession.

I saw previews of it that stirred my interest from the starting gate. Now I was finally getting ready to see it. I grabbed all of the other pictures I wanted to see and made my way to the checkout counter.

Later that night it was pizza and Powder Blue. What can I tell you about Powder Blue?

I can tell you it has a great story line.

I can tell you that is has some great actors in there. Including one of my favorites Forrest Whitaker.

Powder Blue has passion.

Powder Blue has conflict.

Powder Blue has pain.

Powder Blue has heartache.

Powder Blue has unfed desires.

Powder Blue has four ordinary people all searching for something that their lives are missing.

Powder Blue has four ordinary people who are at the end of their rope looking for some kind of reprieve.

Powder Blue weaves four important stories together in the vein of Crash and Crossing Over it is an awesome picture.

All I can say is Powder Blue Powder Blue you don't want to miss it. Powder Blue.

Until next time my cinemaniac family.

Always remember to enjoy the moment, enjoy life and may your day be filled with unlimited smiles and abundant enjoyment.

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