Friday, October 17, 2008

The Perfect Witness

Have you ever walked in on someone doing something that they were not supposed to do?

I know I have on several occasions.

Now think about how many times you caught someone or were caught in the act doing something you weren’t supposed to do.

Some of us may run out of fingers to count upon while doing this.

That is exactly what a movie I'm about to briefly discuss with you is about in a nutshell.

Now answer this question for me.

When was the last time that you saw a killer flick that really made you think?

I had the opportunity to check out a movie entitled “The Perfect Witness (Spain title is The Ungodly).”

There are some movies that you want to see from watching a trailer, some that you stumble upon, some you see because of someone else and there are some that grabs you by your face beckoning you to watch it.

The Perfect Witness is the later.

This movie stars Wes Bentley who plays a character by the name of Mickey Gravatski. Mark Borkowski plays a serial killer by the name of James Lemac. Both give outstanding performances.

What the Perfect Witness does is bring fresh life to the killer genre.

I don’t want to spoil it for you cinemaniacs, so I will only share this with you. See this skillfully written/directed piece because it has a very profound message to it.

This is a cinemaniac gem

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