Monday, October 27, 2008

I Don't Usually Do This, But ...

Hello cinemaniacs, happy Monday to you. I’m in a sentimental mood right now. I want to send my condolences to Jennifer Hudson and family.

We should all pray God gives the family all the strength and support that they need in their time of tragedy and bereavement.

Today’s post will be different than any that I have written before. I will switch lanes from the normal routine. Instead of talking about what movies I have seen most recently. I want to set the stage for the rest of the week with this post.

Movies are distant cousin to life itself. After all it is through life experiences that the ideas of movies are crafted. We watch movies to escape for a couple of hours from our realities whatever they may be.

I usually don’t do this but I feel it is necessary to share this piece of information with you.

You are the director of your life. It is your job to create the best life for yourself. Your mind is the camera, your thoughts, actions, situations are a part of the script and you are the star of the show.

Some people live a life of mystery, some of drama, others of comedy, while others live a life of horror. You are the director you are in control. God is the executive producer of your life, but you are the director.

Don’t you get tired of people saying if it is God’s will I will have this or go here or there? I know I do. It is God’s will for you to have the best. So stop sitting around waiting for God to grant you something you can go out there and get by yourself and find something else to pray about.

This isn’t Walt Disney Land and god isn’t your fairy god father. He is your Heavenly Father who has given you the power to create miraculous things in your life.

Today do everything in your power to make your life (movie) the best it can be and stop complaining about what is not going right. You’re in control so flip the script and change it to the type of movie you want to star in.

I usually don’t do this, but I’m doing it today. Make your life (movie) a blockbuster today. You have the power to do that now. So get started

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